Seriously, where should I be in life by now?

Real life

Do you know when you’re young and the years never went by fast. ‘A year ago’ really felt like a year ago. Christmas still felt like Christmas – rather than just the excitement of having a few days off work. I have a very vague memory of thinking “I wonder what I’ll be doing in my twenties” and at the time I really didn’t have a clue what to expect and I certainly didn’t know what was realistic for twenty something year-olds to be achieving.

I have to admit I still don’t really know what’s realistic for 20 something year-olds to be achieving, social media has been a part of most of our lives since school, so as you can probably imagine (or understand from personal experience) we have racked up a fair few friends who’s lives we follow, and I mean that in the most non-creepy way possible. The point I’m trying to get to is that we see a broad group of people living their lives, we see baby bump news and first houses, holiday photos, university graduations, promotions, passed driving tests, first jobs, new jobs, engagements, weddings. I used to see these posts and start doubting everything I did after leaving school “I wish I’d stuck in at college, why am I not engaged, why do I not want a baby? Will I ever want a baby? I should of got a degree…”

It’s hard being in your twenties, at least that’s what I think, because the truth is, I don’t have a clue what I’m doing or I want from life, I always thought that in my twenties I’d have it all figured out, but now that I’m here at the age of 22 nearly 23 I keep telling myself that I’ll have it all figured out in my thirties, definitely… Surely? I must have it figured out by then? How shit would it be to get to pension age and regret most of your life choices…. Fuck, I’m spiralling.

I had no idea what this post was going to conclude but as I’ve been writing I’ve thought a lot about what I’ve achieved since leaving school and even things like working and earning everything I own is a really nice feeling. It’s important to be proud of your achievements no matter how small they seem but it’s more important not to compare your achievements to those around you. Be proud of your friends and of yourself. There is no time limit on success, we all go down different paths and just because a friend from school is getting married does not mean you’re life isn’t in order. Enjoy every day and try your hardest, it’s literally the most anyone can ever ask of you.